Jesus Christ

Let us not put off praying and asking for help getting through challenges in our lives. The Lord is there, waiting for us to ask for help.
As we remember the Saviour, we often feel moved to help, support and bring relief to the suffering and struggles of others around us.
He suffered, and bled, and died for us all. Three days later, scriptures tell us, He walked out of that tomb.
Just as Jesus Christ was baptized, we must all be baptized to return to live with God someday. Learn more about the biblical account of Jesus’s baptism and how we can follow His example.
As it ran away from us, I thought to myself, 'That poor animal will never know that all along we were just trying to help it.'
To be a child of God, means that we are loved and cherished, however, it does not mean we can be careless or thoughtless for our wellbeing.
Let us be kind. Let us forgive. Let us talk peacefully with each other. Let us do good unto all men.
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of the World. Learn more about His life, ministry, and divine mission.
Latter-day Saints believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. They also believe in the Bible’s teachings about Him. Learn what the Bible teaches about some of the miracles Jesus Christ performed when He lived on the earth.
Latter-day Saints believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of the World. Find out more about what members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe it means to have faith in Christ.
As Christians, Latter-day Saints believe what Jesus Christ taught about repentance. Learn why Latter-day Saints believe that repentance can bring peace, hope, and joy.